March 2020 signaled a literal *halt* of Shana’s national and international touring plans with the introduction of the pandemic of the last year and a half. With nothing to do but figure out ways to keep busy, remain relevant, and pay bills (#realtalk), she did three major things:
- Significantly step up her virtual game (performances and teaching artistry)
- Co-hosting a PBSNC kid’s television show
- Say ‘yes’ to running a music for social change nonprofit, Kidznotes
Shana Tucker know she’s not alone amongst her performance peers in having a preference for the magic and synergy that occurs when sharing in-person space at a live show with actual people in the audience to interact with — see them smile, hear them laugh, get the occasional “mm-hmm I know that’s right, gurrl!” when the lyrics are unfolding truths experienced by more than just me. No one ever stopped wanting “live” music; we just had to figure out how to get it to the people in a different way, without compromising on quality. Thankfully, Shana’s bandmates and various and sundry friends know WAY more about technology than she does…and arts councils everywhere rallied and raised funds to support artists everywhere with emergency funds. In this way, Tucker was able to keep performing through the summer and fall of 2020, pre-recording and sharing music from her home when words failed and music was the only response to the social injustices taking place (#georgefloyd #briannataylor #elijahmcclain and so many more); creating some pretty awesome live-show concerts that live on her YouTube channel; editing two songs from a wonderful concert that she lovingly call “The Johnnys” — a run-down of the classic jazz album by John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman — “My One and Only Love” and “Dedicated to You”; and collaborating with her band to make new arrangements of old favorites, like “Pure Imagination”, the first song we arranged via Zoom.
When Shana Tucker was little, she always wanted to be on Sesame Street. Long story short: it never happened. But this did! A whole season of PBSNC/Rootle TV’s “Block Party LIVE @ Home!”. This is a quarterly show that airs on our public access television network, PBSNC (formerly WUNC-TV), across the state of North Carolina. She play Miss Shana, the jokey, fun, always using lots of special FX co-host for a show that highlights different resources, community partners, and locations around North Carolina. Here’s a link to the most recent episode that aired…her favorite part of the show was when she got to work with the turbo-charged turtles!
In September 2020, Tucker said ‘yes’ to the position of executive director for Kidznotes.org, an arts education organization in Durham, NC whose mission is to be a catalyst for social change through access to comprehensive music, leadership, and character-building experiences to children with the fewest resources and the greatest need. Their kids receive free music instruction four days weekly, with free instrument provision as well. They have graduated students this past year who are attending music conservatories and leading universities across the state and the country, and we are training the ones who remain to access their joy through music, to know their own voice and use it to speak truth to power, to be confident in showing up this this world fully, and to know for certain that you do not have to be a musician for a living to be a musician for life. This is, hands down, some of the most important work Tucker has done as a musician, teaching artist, artist administrator and advocate…as a human being…in her life. If Shana is thankful for one thing that the pandemic brought about, it’s the opportunity to serve these children and her community in this way.
Lots of Shana Tucker’s 20-21 dates have been rescheduled, so we’re still working through those dates. We have also been getting curious calls with requests for more speaking engagements, as the word gets out about her artist administrator/executive director role at Kidznotes.org. We are hoping to add more performances that have community outreach and engagement intentionally included in the experience, and we are hoping to collaborate more with dancers, choreographers, and poets…this is some of the experimental work she has been exploring with her wonderfully talented colleagues here in North Carolina. Hoping to return to the stage and the recording studio as 2021 turns into 2022…we could all use a nice, in-person dose of some ChamberSoul!